Component Enhancements
the project
Not every project I work on is a total revamp of an entire experience. Sometimes I'm tasked with coming in and reworking things in an existing environment. That is exactly what the team needed here. TracerPlus was looking for an overhaul of their homepage, and implementing new component design into interior templates on an ongoing basis for a slow roll-out.
The first fix on the homepage was updating the hero area to remove the solutions out of the hero and into their own block. What was originally an inaccessible image became standard webpage content.
From there, the remaining blocks on the homepage were restyled to be more in line with the TracerPlus brand palette. I designed a component library that could help update pieces of interior templates that were more user-friendly and organized.
download process
TracerPlus has software specifically for non-programmers to build applications for process improvement in workflow and day to day operations. Once a user is ready to use the software, there is a process that one goes through to get all the software required. A landing page was created to help explain what that process entailed and what each piece of software would help you accomplish.
Using the components that were created for the homepage as a baseline, a few additional elements were added that matched the new TracerPlus website style. The layout was heavily inspired by PPC campaign trends due to the secondary lead gen goal of the user download section. While not a full PPC landing page, the user is still prompted to input data before accessing material.
in progress
As the site stands now, the homepage and download page have been implemented. The website is still an in-progress update and we will see enhancements continue to be made with the new component library created for the homepage.